Компания Niemann получила награду от известного немецкого делового журнала WirtschaftsWoche как лидер мирового рынка в категории технологий диспергирования и тонкого измельчения.

Компания Niemann признана лидером мирового рынка

New generation HMI panel

Presentation of the new NIEMANN KD-Touch 16. With a new HMI software design and an intuitive user interface, it enables easier and more efficient machine control. Approved for operation in EX-Zone 1.

Presentation of the new developed high-performance bead mill KREIS-CONTINUOUS-MILL® Type KCM - Patent No. 10 2021 101 527
Completion of the administration building

New construction and conversion of a total of 2100 m² of usable space for the development, construction, sales, purchasing, service, administration and management departments. In addition to the new office space, a completely renovated technical center was built.

Presentation of a basket mill with annular gap technology for fine grinding up to nanoscale. Due to the low grinding chamber volume, up to 60% less grinding media are required. The grinding media movement is made by a rotor with pins, whereby an extremely high energy density can be achieved in the annular gap.

Основание дочерней компании "WILHELM NIEMANN USA INC." для укрепления присутствия на рынке США и расширения глобального бизнес-поля.
Maschine #5000

Delivery of the 5000th machine – presentation during the ECS 2017.
Structural expansion 5: Expansion

Expansion of the production capacity of a further area of 1600 m². Installation of the automatic high rack and small parts storage.
50 years of KREIS-DISSOLVER®

NIEMANN is celebrating the 50th birthday of the KREIS-DISSOLVER® with a big summer-party and live-music in a tent on the company premises.
Structural expansion 4: Production capacity

Expansion of production capacity by 1600 m². Purchase of a 2½ D laser cutter including automatic sheet storage.
Machine #4000

Delivery of the 4000th machine after almost 50 years of building dissolvers. Time to take a picture with all of the employees and the anniversary machine.
Issuance of 2 further patents

Issuance of 2 further patents: New development of an improved grinding media separation (series KBM) New development of a procedure for the special use of the KREIS-DISSOLVER®.
ADV 3000 for big charges

Development of the construction series KDV / ADV 3000 / settlement of the project "dissolvers for the world's largest paint factory" (ASIAN PAINTS India).
ISO 9001

Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by the TÜV NORD CERT.
Structural expansion 3: Construction of new offices

Construciton of new offices and the characteristic blue main entrance . The new climatic offices are epquipped with modern furnitures and computers.

Presentation of the new construction series KREIS-BASKET-MILL® on the occasion of the MECS 2005. High performance mill for fine grinding in batch production! Batch sizes of 2 - 2000 litres useful volume.
Structural expansion 2: New production hall

Building of a further production hall with 3000 m² hall area in order to be able to adapt the production capacity to the increased demand again. This is so far the biggest expanison since the construction of the current company building from 1982 till 1983.

Dispatch of the 3000th KREIS-DISSOLVER® after 40 years.
Large-scale dissolver

Development of the latest construction series called "Large-scale dissolver" KDV 2000 - Production and dispatch of the largest KREIS-DISSOLVER® ever manufactured.
Double Suction Disc

NIEMANN was granted the patent for the new development "Double Suction Disc ". This innovation guarantees reduced wetting times and improved dispersion results - another milestone in the history of the constant and successful development of the KREIS-DISSOLVER®!EURO-Patent-Nr. 0896834.
Frank Niemann entered the company

1998 Frank Niemann became the managing shareholder of the company.
Structural expansion 1: Growing production area

Building of a new factory with a production area of approx. 3000 m² in order to meet the increasing demand both at home and abroad.
Speed Control

In addition to the above-mentioned patent Gerhard Niemann invented the current-dependent electronic speed control with the possibility of presetting the speed limit, patent no. DE 3221080 C1.
Machine #1000

Delivery of the 1000th machine.
Granting licences to NETZSCH

NIEMANN granted the licence for production of dissolvers to Netzsch in Selb/Bavaria until 1985.
Speed control depending on viscosity

Gerhard Niemann invented the speed control depending on viscosity for reproducible dispersion qualities, patent no. 1.588.600, which paved the way for the world-wide success of his company.
First paint mixer

The fire in the lacquer factory of his friend caused Gerhard Niemann to manufacture a small "paint mixer" (dissolver) as a favour. This aroused the interest of local lacquer factories and they wanted to use the newly-developed speed adjustment technology by friction-vario gear, too, instead of the manual speed adjustment by handwheel wich was usual until then.

Restructuring of the company: Gerhard Niemann started the development and manufacturing of large-scale incubators for poultry-breeding and the production was changed from timber production to metalworking.

Wilhelm Höcker founded the today's company as a cabinetmaker's workshop, which was continued by his son-in-law, WILHELM NIEMANN.