Under the sun of Egypt

Almost exactly one year ago NIEMANN dispatched the machines for a paint factory in Egypt. At the new site of the paint producer Jotun a production capacity of more than 80 million litres per year should be achieved in the future. Jotun, which could gain a turnover increase of 17.5% despite the pandemic, builds one of the largest paint factories in the Middle East with this project.

Due to the strict travel restrictions the NIEMANN technicians could only start their visit in July of this year in order install the 28 machines in Cairo. For organisational reasons it seemed appropriate to install the machines before the roof of the hall would be mounted. Thus, the NIEMANN team started working every day out in the open at up to 40°C. With towels wrapped around their heads the technicians protected themselves from the sun. The sun only showed little pity and shone merciless for the complete project period of 3 weeks.

The NIEMANN technicians remained calm despite the heat and completed this project successfully and tanned.

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