2 MEGA-orders from India - (36 + 19 Machines)
The economic situation in India is very good and also the paint and coatings industry currently shows high growth rates due to extreme construction activities. NIEMANN has been continuously supplying the market leader ASIAN PAINTS with machines "MADE in GERMANY / MADE by NIEMANN" since 2008 and is considered as a benchmark in the field of large batch dissolvers worldwide and also in India.
At the end of 2022, 2 special supply contracts could now be concluded in India after tough negotiations.
ASIAN PAINTS continues to rely on KREIS-DISSOLVER and KREIS-BASKET-MILLS and has placed a major order for the expansion of its plants in India.
New to the paint and coatings market is the ADITIYA BIRLA Group, which is currently building 6 new paint factories in India. NIEMANN was able to receive a very large order for the supply of large batch dissolvers (10,000 L and 15,000 L). The planned production volumes are also enormous here.
In the competition against the much advertised "inline disperser" system, NIEMANN and the "KREIS-DISSOLVER" won again for both MEGA projects.
Deliveries will be made continuously from spring 2023 until spring 2024 - the order volume of these two MEGA orders amounts to approx. 13 million euros and will help to secure the capacity utilization of the company in Melle-Neuenkirchen for the coming months.
We would like to thank ASIAN PAINTS and BIRLA Group for their confidence in these major projects. After commissioning of the new KREIS-DISSOLVER, the plant in Mysure will again be the largest paint and coatings plant in the world (2,800 MT/day).